About Our Company
We are a boutique firm, located in the Silicon Valley, California area. Our work takes us across the country and into international arenas as we partner with our clients to create improvements. Our goal is to create smoother paths for people desiring change, are seeking a partner for the journey, and believe that “simple is better,” although not always easy.
Our core values are reflected in all aspects of what we do:
We embrace Ockham’s razor as a navigation guide. The principle paraphrased is “All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the best one.”
We tell the truth in ways to help and not hurt, but truth non the less. We owe it to our clients to metaphorically – “not walk around with spinach in their teeth!”
Illuminate Paths
We partner to bring light and understanding in ways that honor and respect the client’s goals and requirements – not ours. Each person is unique. Each situation has different needs. The flashlight is positioned for the person, team, organization we assist, not ourselves.