Leadership Training
“The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.”
– Max De Pree
Leading and Managing are different. Many tackle this concept and offer definitions.
Here’s our simplified view. Check out this YouTube Clip:
See this car crossing what appears to be a very dangerous bridge?
The Leader is the one who convinced the driver to take this bridge instead of the nicer one as seen to the right in the clip.
The Leader is the one that inspired and motivated the driver to accelerate and move forward.
The Manager is the one driving the car – steering steadily forward on the bridge.
The Manager is the one keenly aware of any obstacles, eyes focused with the clear goal to safely reach the other side.
Leadership is the art of convincing people that the path is the right one; the goal achievable. To do this successfully requires motivation, clear communication, and a servant’s heart. Remembering, it’s not about you.
As John Wooden said, “You don’t have to like them, but you do have to love them.”
BridgeLite offers workshops and events to teach leadership skills, techniques and concepts – believing that All can learn to lead.